Our story goes back ten years ago with a young girl at the age of 14 who traveled with her high-school mates to an orphanage called, Gotas de Amor, located in South America in the region of Chaco, Argentina. Her passion for human and child rights started there. The amount of love and care that they mutually received (our founder and those first kids she met in the orphanage) without even knowing each other, has been an impact that will last her a lifetime. Since then Stephanie, now a Guardian Ad Litem in Miami, Florida, has been working with homeless and refugee children and traveling to missionary trips in Africa and Mexico to encourage others to spread love and give the necessary tools to children in need who unfortunately are born in difficult circumstances. The trip that sealed a footprint was actually to Ghana in 2017 where she had to encounter face to face how children from the region of Lake Volta, who are supposedly to be in school, were being enslaved as fishermen. That was the one day she promised herself to be an advocate and a voice for the children who are not allowed to speak for themselves and who are victims of an obsolete and horrific reality such as the one under child trafficking.

One needs vulnerability to love. Children are the most pure and vulnerable citizens of our world. Thus, they are the ones that will always love the most.

What’s coming

Sponsor one of our upcoming events:

  • Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Event 2021

  • 2021 Trip to Ghana! - Contact Us to join or donate (help sponsor beds and school supplies to new rescued children from Lake Volta!)