This is mt story…

I was born in Recife, Brazil November 10th 1985. At the age of 7, I was adopted by an english mother and an Italian-French father in France. The first time my mother put a pen in my hand, I knew I will draw for the rest of my life. All my life I have studied art, fashion design and sew. It is not only my passion, but my life, my soul and my breath.

Before my adoption in Brazil my life was really hard, my mother despite us and my father had a drinking problem. Me and my siblings, we were alone most of the time. We did not have appropriate clothing, no shoes, and of course, no toys to play. What I remember which was the most sad is that either for dinner or lunch my parents would eat first and then if there was some left overs, we would eat. If there was no food we would look for fruits in trees or in the street floors. One day after the death of my little sister, Vanessa, my mother sat us on the table and told us to wait for our father...but she never came back. Life continued to be hard with almost no food nor basic needs and that is when my dad decided to put us on adoption. He told us to go play for the day with an unknown lady and that at the end of the day we would see him but that was actually the last day we ever saw my father. 

In the orphanage nobody wanted us because we were older than the rest of the children. However, one day a beautiful lady who was dressed lovely in white and black, brought candy to all of us and I remember exactly that day like today...her skin, her face, her hair looked so beautiful. When she gave me candy, I asked for two and she did not understand why, but she gave me two and I immediately gave one to my big sister and the other to my little brother. After this she looked at me and left the orphanage. A couple of days later, she called back and decided to adopt us. And so she did.

I grew thinking I wanted to be someone, to give love to whoever approached me and to one day have a family. However, I did fell in love with the wrong person. I devoted myself to him, moved to Miami for him but he abused me and left the city. Now I am alone trying to find my home, my peace and nonetheless, thankful for the Lotus House Women's Shelter, how is keeping me and my children safe. Furthermore, I will fight more than ever to give my kids the best life possible, and a better life from that which I had. They are the only reason for why I live today. I love my kids Hamza, Aaliyah, Lainy-Anakhan and Anderson, they are my heart and my only hope. 


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